Oh Librarian you foul knave you!

First a few corrections:

It is “an informative how to” and not “ann”. Although strangely enough that was a name of a past beloved of mine.

Librarian wrote “to refresh there skills.” It is “their” and not “there”.

“Surmise I love this book, its beautiful.” I do believe you meant to use the word “summerize” which means “To make a summary of; state or express in a concise form” instead of your poorly chosen “surmise” which actually means “Suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it: “he surmised that something must be wrong.” Or to make it clearer, I, Lady Inanna Blue, can surmise from the knave Librarian’s reviews that he is an uneducated twit. (and you can quote me on that dear readers)

Tsk tsk Librarian, please cease and desist your foul and evil butchery of the English language!

And now my faithful readers, and my beloved Lady Raven Avalon, on to my point of dismay and contention:

“How i came across this writer was very unusual (after an attack by another reviewer when I purchased the writers other book 13 love spells that work) however, not important.”

Oh Librarian you knave! If such a thing wasn’t deemed important enough for you to mention, then why did you? And why did you leave me and other readers hanging like this? Is it perhaps because you choose not to reveal the fact that famed pagan author Carl F. Neal did a rather horrifying (if not completely accurate…which is was, that particular book was just not up to snuff for my beloved Lady Raven Avalon….so many other pagan writers materials seemed to have majickally appeared in her book out of the blue! I still have no idea how that happened!!) review of Raven Avalon’s 13 Love Spells Book (she needed no spells to capture my heart and soul!) and so you in turn choose to be quite the rogue and attack his own Incense book via comments. (A side note, amazon.com’s own lovely legal team saw fit to remove all those nasty comments of yours….perhaps you were a bit soused when you wrote them? In any case, nasty nasty stuff!)

I actually find that back-story to be quite important to your comment here and worthy of noting.

“It provides an excellent compendium of basic Wiccan/ witch ritual, theology”

Ah and this is very dismaying indeed!! You see my dear heart, Lady Raven Avalon is not in fact a Wiccan. She is a bit of an odd duck, not even a witch really, just a woman who desperately needs funds to support her lifestyle and habits, all of which I deplore and fervently wish she would find help for….she is so deep in her cups someday I fear she will drown herself! She has a bad habit of searching the internet for generic and vague sounding Wiccan and witchcraft lore and/or spells and slaps them together in little chapter books in an e-format. I wish she would cease doing this, she is only stealing and corrupting her soul.

I truly fear that false five star reviews like this will only encourage her bad habits and behavior. It simply breaks my heart it does.

And before anyone thinks ill of me and that I might be picking on someone with, oh perhaps a supposed learning disability, banish the thought from your mind my beloved! I am just simply trying to correct improper English from the point of view of one who has been properly schooled and who is proud to say that she has advanced further then the 12th grade. A few more grades I suspect then this pitiful “librarian” knave.

Screen cap from Librarian’s book reviews at amazon.com

Joanne says…

Joanne says….

Oh my dearest Joanne, most beloved lackey/sock of Lady Raven Avalon, It breaks my heart that Lady Raven Avalon cannot post and speak for herself at this time. Perhaps she no longer has that ability on Facebook ?

No matter, let me correct you on a few things that you can pass on to my beloved.

Thing the first, that yes the truth did come out and that truth was not the false one that you wished to promote, but rather the one that I went to Facebook and Amazon.com’s own legal teams over, and that they deemed so true that they removed all comments referring to anyone’s birth names, home addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and personal sexual choices. Lies are not Truths and that was a lesson my beloved learned harshly this weekend.

Thing the second, that she choose to post and quite falsely make accusations that anyone might be gay or lesbian lovers, and that somehow, even if they were, that this was something that needed to be outed to the world as if such a thing was wrong just smacks of homophobia and reflects very poorly on my beloved. In fact, such a remark can be seen as defamation and thus is a civil offense. This too was something that both Facebook and Amazon’s legal teams found repulsive and in violation of their sites TOS, and thus were removed.

And thing the last, the only true bullying, stalking and harassing that has been done has been done by Lady Raven Avalon, by her false names, her sock puppet accounts on a variety of websites. It has been done to those who have called a spade a spade, dragged out a false and plagiarizing author into the light of day, and have been abused and tormented by it endlessly.

The true farce is the one being played by Lady Raven Avalon. I do wish she would just grow the fuck up.

Screen cap from Black Raven Coven – Witches & Wiccans of Facebook

My love letters to Lady Raven Avalon….

With my heart full of love and devotion to Lady Raven Avalon, I created this blog to praise or chastise her in her adventures as leader of the Black Raven Coven.

Since my beloved Lady Raven Avalon, also known with love as Siobhan Whelan, Rochelle Moore, Zara Alcott, Raven Avalon, Lady Raven Avalon, Lady Isodora Raven Avalon Cole, and Siobhan Moore-Whelan at various points in time, will simply not allow me to comment on her numerous facebook pages, I feel I will have to take advantage of this wonderful free blog system and provide screen caps and my replies to them here.

Lady Inanna Blue